Sunday, August 30, 2015

Israel stands in the way and is an obstacle to full Muslim domination of the Middle East - YJ Draiman

The West fears Islamic aggression (which has been going on since WW1), and is opting for appeasement. Propaganda is being used to try to convince people that Muslims in Israel, and in the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights, are being mistreated. Islamist forces have conducted maneuvers at the borders of Israel, and have continuously lobbed missiles into Israel. Islam constantly threatens Israel, often using language that proclaims a desire for the complete destruction of Israel. The Arab-Palestinians have spoken to the world, proclaiming parts of Israel to belong to them.

Peace in the Middle East is desired at any cost by the Western Appeasers. The unrest is being blamed on Israel. Islam promises that the Arab-Palestinian claims are the last they will make in Israel. If land is traded for peace, they say, then the unrest in the Middle East will ease, which is a delusion and not reality.

The Western Leaders, fearful that if the Muslims are not appeased the world could plunge into terrorism (which it has already and increasing daily), have decided they need to negotiate with the Arab-Palestinians, grant them the Statehood they suddenly desire, and grant them their demands for the purpose of a delusional peace.

As The West prepares for appeasement, the forces of jihadism are on the rise in Egypt, Syria, Turkey and Iran and extends to Pakistan, Afghanistan and former Russian states. Egypt's peace with Israel has been guaranteed by U.S. involvement, and land for peace. The treaty with Egypt was based on the proposition of the Sinai in 1982 for peace. The Islamists moving into position to gain power in Egypt places the treaty at risk. They have no intention of abiding by its provisions.

The concept of land for peace has failed, as it failed prior to WW2. Islamism does not care about land. Islamism only cares about the destruction of Israel, the destruction of non-Islamic societies, and ultimately the worldwide domination of Islam through a Muslim caliphate.

Israel gives land because they want the Arabs to abide by peace agreements. Israel craves peace, but deep down knows that it is not possible. Islam has made it loud and clear that land for peace is a one way street. Israeli land giveaways are permanent, but Islamic commitments to peace are revoked at any time.

With the current presidential administration in the United States, and the liberal socialists in control of the U.N. and Europe, Israel stands alone. No one plans to stand up for Israel's right to exist, as history has proven, the Jewish people have ultimately been abandoned by the world nations. The Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist parties are working to take an absolute majority in Egypt and other Muslim countries, but The West has fallen for the propaganda that claims these parties are moderate and pragmatic. ISIS has proven that this approach is wrong and detrimental to peaceful coexistence.

The fact is, the rising Islamist control over the Muslim nations has no intention of respecting treaties, or Israel's right to exist. They are waiting for conflict, and then will blame it on Israel. Talks are doomed to failure. The Islamists want it that way or the highway.

Land for Peace fails. Liberalism fails. Only a strong and direct military posture with no-holds-barred that stands up against the rising threat will succeed. . . but the appeasers refuse to learn from history, and like Neville Chamberlain with Germany, Barack Obama and his fellow appeasers are positioning the world for a new world conflict that could turn the world to ashes.

A viable solution for the conflict is: Two States - Greater Israel for the Jewish people as guaranteed by International law and treaties after WW1 and Jordan that was originally part of the territory allocated to the Jewish people under 1920 international treaties, thus Jordan has 75% of its people are Arab-Palestinians and the 120,440 sq. km. or 75,000 sq. mi. (5-6 times the size of Israel) the Arab countries confiscated from the million plus Jewish families they persecuted and expelled from Arab countries and confiscated all their assets, businesses, homes and Real estate property valued in the trillions of dollars. That should settle the refugee problem once and for all. But the Arabs will not be satisfied until they get all of Israel without the Jews and they do not hide their intention.

YJ Draiman.

How did the Arab territory of Transjordan come into being?

The 1922 White Paper (also called the Churchill White Paper) was the first official manifesto interpreting the Balfour Declaration. It was issued on June 3, 1922, after investigation of the 1921 disturbances. Although the White Paper stated that the Balfour Declaration could not be amended and that the Jews were in Palestine by right, in violation of international treaties, it partitioned the area of the Mandate for Palestine by excluding the area east of the Jordan River from Jewish legally allocated historical land. That land, 78% of the original Palestine Mandate land, was renamed Transjordan and was given to the Emir Abdullah by the British.
The White Paper (In violation of international agreements) included the statement that the British Government: (Which is backstabbing the Jewish people) The British goal was to appease the Arabs in order to control Arab resources of oil.
  • The British did an about face and it... does not want Palestine to become "as Jewish as England is English", rather should become "a center in which Jewish people as a whole may take, and on grounds of religion and race, an interest and a pride."
After the illegal partition, Transjordan remained part of the Palestine Mandate and its legal system applied to all residents, both East and West of the Jordan River, who all carried Palestine Mandate passports. Palestine Mandate currency was the legal tender in Transjordan as well as the area West of the river. This was the consistent situation until 1946, 24 years later, when Britain as trustee completed the illegal action by unilaterally granting Transjordan its independence. Thus the British subverted and violated the terms of the Mandate for Palestine, partitioned Palestine and created an independent Palestine-Arab state with no regard for the rights and international agreements delineating the territory for  the Jewish population. According to Sir Alec Kirkbride, the British representative in the area, Transjordan was:
  • ... intended to serve as a reserve of land for use in the resettlement of Arabs once the National Home for the Jewish  people in Palestine was completed, which [Britain was] compelled to support under international treaties,  and became an accomplished fact. There was no intention at that stage of forming the territory east of the River Jordan into an independent Arab state.
In 1925, the British added 60,000 sq. km. of desert to eastern Transjordan forming an "arm" of land to connect Transjordan with Iraq and to cut Syria off from the Arabian Peninsula. The British continued to favor an apartheid rule with exclusive Arab development east of the Jordan River by enacting restrictive regulations against the Jews and prohibiting them from purchasing land or residing east of the Jordan river, even when Arab leaders sought Jewish involvement in the development of Transjordan. 

Who gave the right to Muslims to invade the holy-landand occupy it? International treaties and agreements gave the right of return to the Jews including the Palestine Mandate laid out in the San Remo Conference in 1922 which incorporated the 1917 Balfour Declaration, Signed by 52 Nations under binding international law that is still binding today, recognizing the fact of over 3500 years of continuous historic Jewish connection with the land and even so the british government illegally partitioned and took away almost 80% of the designated area and gave it to the arab population as an additional Arab State to the existing 21 Arab States. Prior to this the Ottomans ruled and owned the land and it was taken from them during the 1st world war.
The arab connection goes back to about 690 AD and many other nations occupied Palestine-Israel over the centuries. Jews never opposed the presence of the Arabs but the arabs attitude was not mutual and has never been.
Also over 990,000 Jewish families were kicked out of Arab countries with just the clothes they wore (If they were lucky), Many were murdered and all their assets confiscated, including 120,440 square km. of real estate property, which is more than 6 times the size of Israel and valued in the trillions of dollars.

Jewish people never completely left Israel around 600 BC – that was the first diaspora when the first temple was destroyed. There wouldn’t have been anyone for the Romans to disperse if your statement were true. The Romans destroyed the second temple and also enslaved many Jewish people.
During the Diasporas, many Jews ended up in the surrounding Arab countries. These Arab countries proceeded to force out these Jewish people during the time leading up to and immediately following Israel becoming a state. Many of these people lost their property, homes, etc…. there were actually twice as many Jewish refugees from the Arab countries than there were “Palestinian” refugees.
As for the late 1800’s…. actually, very few people lived in the swamplands and sand dunes that comprised much of Israel during this time. In the early 1800’s Jewish people began purchasing a portion of the lands, improved them with modern agricultural techniques and established settlements. This land was purchased for a hefty price that exceeded the amount they would typically be sold for. The improvements to the lands actually attracted ARABS from neighboring lands. Hundreds of thousands of Arabs moved into Palestine after WWI.
“Arab claims that the Jews have obtained too large a proportion of good land cannot be maintained. Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamps and uncultivated when it was bought.”—Peel Commission Report, 1937.

  • Terror
    There are severe and extreme consequences to the terrorist who plan to attack and or attacks to the terrorist his family and associates.
    Anyone who is assisting or withholding information about the terrorist proposed actions or action should be considered as an accomplice‎.
    Let them know that terror will not be tolerated.

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    As stated above, the 1920 San Remo Conference decided to placePalestine under British Mandatory rule making Britain responsible for giving effect to the 1917 Balfour declaration that had been adopted by the other Allied Powers and ratified under International treaty as International law.. The resulting “Mandate for Palestine,” was an historical League of Nations document that laid down the Jewish legal right to settle anywhere in Palestine and the San Remo Resolution which was confirmed by the Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne, together with Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations became the basic documents on which the Mandate for Palestine was established. The Mandate’s declaration of July 24, 1922 states unambiguously that Britain became responsible for putting the Balfour Declaration, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, into effect and it confirmed that recognition had thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country. It is highly relevant that at that time the West Bank and parts of what today is Jordan were included as a Jewish Homeland. However, on September 16, 1922, the British in violation of the Treaty divided the Mandate territory of Palestine, west of the Jordan became Transjordan, east of the Jordan River was for the Jewish State, in accordance with the McMahon Correspondence of 1915 which was not approved by the British Parliament. Transjordan became exempt from the Mandate provisions concerning the Jewish National Home, effectively removing about 78% of the original territory of the area in which a Jewish National home was to be established in terms of the Balfour Declaration and the San Remo resolution as well as the British Mandate.
    This action violated not only Article 5 of the Mandate which required the Mandatory to be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to, or in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power but also article 20 of the Covenant of the League of Nations in which the Members of the League solemnly undertook that they would not enter into any engagements inconsistent with the terms thereof.
    Article 6 of the Mandate stated that the Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes. Political rights were exclusively granted only to the Jewish people.
    Nevertheless in blatant violation of article 6, in a 1939 White PaperBritain changed its position so as to limit Jewish immigration fromEurope, a move that was blatant violation by Zionists as betrayal of the terms of the mandate, especially in light of the increasing persecution of Jews in Europe. This caused the death of millions of Jews trying to escape Nazi extermination. In response, Zionists organized Aliyah Bet, a program of illegal immigration into Palestine.
    The frequently voiced complaint that the state being offered to the Palestinians comprises only 22 percent of Palestine is obviously invalid. The truth is exactly the reverse. From the above history and international treaties, it is obvious that the territory on both sides of the Jordan was legally designated for the Jewish homeland by the 1920 San Remo Conference, mandated to Britain as trustee, endorsed by the League of Nations in 1922, affirmed in the Anglo-American Convention on Palestine in 1925 and confirmed in 1945 by article 80 of the UN. Yet, approximately 80% of this territory was excised from the territory in May 1923 when, in violation of the mandate and the San Remo resolution, Britain gave autonomy toTransjordan (now known as Jordan) under as-Sharif Abdullah bin al-Husayn. Further-more, as the San Remo resolution has never been abrogated, it was and continues to be legally binding between the several parties who signed it. It is therefore obvious that the legitimacy of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and a Jewish state in Palestine all derive from the same international agreement at San Remo.
    In essence, when Israel entered the West Bank and Jerusalem in 1967 it did not occupy territory to which any other party had title. While Jerusalem and the West Bank, (Judea and Samaria), were illegally occupied by Jordan in 1948 they remained in effect part of the Jewish National Home that had been created at 1920 San Remo and in the 1967 6-Day War Israel, in effect, recovered and liberated territory that legally belonged to Israel. To quote Judge Schwebel, a former President of the ICJ (International Court of Justice), “As between Israel, acting defensively in 1948 and 1967, on the one hand, and her Arab neighbors, acting aggressively, in 1948 and 1967, on the other, Israel has the better absolute title in the territory of what was Palestine, including the whole of Jerusalem.

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    Remember, when the Jews and minorities were forced out of - persecuted, killed and violated in the Arab and
    Islamic lands (over a million Jewish families and their children expelled),
    those countries never recovered from the loss. Differences in human composition and dedication are what make us stronger. It was what George Washington said (after appreciating Haym Solomon help in financing the American revolution) to the American people, that the cultural differences are what make us stronger. Israel is the thriving America of Jews worldwide.
    After over 2500 years of persecution in the Diaspora, Israel through hard work, stubbornness' to succeed and
    determination to survive plus control of its own destiny was reborn by the Jewish people against all odds. It took extreme faith, dedication, hardship and consistent toil to rebuild Israel by the Jewish people with limited resources, a hostile environment and Arab and British impediment to our independence. Nevertheless,
    we have succeeded in making the desert bloom and flowing with green valleys,
    and the Jewish innovations just keep coming on a weekly basis. And now,
    overcoming the treatment by the nations of the world as sheep to the slaughter,
    to the Nazi gas chambers. Israel has morphed into a military might.
    The Nation of Israel is alive and thriving! (“the nation of Israel lives”) Hate begets hate: If all the Jews
    were gone (not likely), those anti-Semitic promoters and behaviors would need to feed the hate and turn on each other, as seen historically.
    Try love and understanding and embrace and respect the differences, it will make living a celebration of
    life, it’s all very beautiful, and you will find true success. It will be hard to change the narrative, but go ahead, accept the challenge to heal instead of hate…tolerate instead of abhor...
    …you may finally see some success like the JEWS and forego your jealousy and intolerance!
    This will bring about a harmonious and thriving coexistence that will benefit society for generations to come.
    YJ Draiman

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    Wake-up world to the real Muslim mission of domination.
    Israel has no choice but to continue to fight for its survival with a unified people and a unified nation.
    I have long said, this is not about land, but extermination of a nation, religion and culture which is not accepted by another. I have actually asked the question, what if there was no 'holy land'. Say a natural disaster, dissolving the place into nothing, but not the people. Would the Arabs still fight? Well, the answer was chilling and emphatic, it saddened me greatly. The answer was over and over, "we have the right to kill all non believers".
    I have read and re-read everything, from both sides, also, many non-biased writings.
    I have come to the conclusion that Israel must protect herself in every way possible or face genocide. The Arab countries have expelled over a million Jewish families and their children, confiscated all their assets, businesses, homes and Real estate property totaling over 120,440 sq. km. or 75,000 sq. miles (which is 5-6 times the size of Israel) and valued in the trillions of dollars.
    Those in power in the Arab-Palestinian leadership have rejected again and again any and all attempts to recognize Israel's right to exist. They continue to teach their children and the masses hate and violence.
    Don't start with who was there first, even-though in actuality there has never been in history an Arab-Palestinian Nation, but there has been a Jewish Nation homeland in Palestine-Israel for the past 3,500 plus years, although sometimes occupied by various empires. Israel has won and liberated their ancestral land in a defensive war, it is known that possession is nine tenths of the law. Israel is the rightful liberator and successor, having won and liberated its ancestral homeland in war, numerous times. Sadly, it will continue, because when one Arab culture wants another's elimination, there is no talking.
    I hope Israel does not concede to any of the Arab demands, or give up any more land, because they will only make themselves more vulnerable and endanger the safety and security of its citizens, as past experience has proved. Israel must not capitulate to world pressure. Israel's foremost duty and obligation is the safety and security of its citizens at all costs. Any responsible democratic country will do no less. Israel as a responsible democratic country must do the same. Ignoring, minimizing and deluding yourself that the Arab violence will go away, it will only exacerbate the problem. Taking extreme action to protect its people is the only response. The end result will be that the world at large will respect a country that defends its people from terrorism and harm at all cost.
    The Muslim mission in the world is not only Israel but the rest of the infidel non-believers. Might I remind you, on 911, there were Arab terrorists who wished our extermination, right here in America. This will continue until education and humanity replaces a hatred, for no other reason, than to not accept that you exist.
    The Muslims have killed over 250 million people since its inception 1500 years ago, and they will continue to kill anyone who they consider is an infidel, they even kill their own people. They have colonized the Middle East over the years. Slowly but surely they are taking over Europe and other countries, and if we are not careful they will take over the United States and other countries. They will enforce their Sharia laws.
    P.S. The Jewish peoples war of survival was not won when Hitler lost. It continues to this day, against enemies with far more effective tools of mass murder at their disposal. Plus we are easy to find now.
    Fighting terrorism is not unlike fighting a deadly cancer. It can not be treated just where it is visible - every diseased cell in the body must be destroyed.
    YJ Draiman

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    The U.N. cannot create states, it can only recommend and so can other nations can only recommend and not create a state that never existed before in history. If they want an Arab-Palestinian state, it already exists, it is Jordan which has taken 80% of Jewish allocated land.
    In 1947, the UN Gen. Assembly passed Resolution 181 recommending the partition of Palestine. This did not create the State of Israel. The General Assembly does not create countries, make laws, or alter the Mandates (Mandates were a big brother system for setting up independent countries to be led by its native populations, with historic national connections to the territories). The Partition plan, was merely a recommendation.
    The resolution also violated Article 5 of the Mandate for Palestine and therefore it also violated Article 80 of the UN Charter. It was therefore an illegal resolution.
    What we call the State of Israel, along with her "legal" borders, was established in April 1920 with the San Remo Resolution of 1920 confirmed by the 1920 Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne, which terms are in affect in perpetuity. Only Israel can amend the terms if they sign a treaty with its Arab neighbors. Palestine was created for the first time in history as a country. It was created as the reconstitution of the Jewish National Home. The Partition Plan in 1947 was the result of a 1/4 century of illegal British policy (The English were a trustee for the Jewish people, but they violated that trust. the British wanted to control the Oil in the Middle East, for that they betrayed the Jewish people) that ripped internationally protected Jewish rights from the Jewish People, as the British allowed hundreds of thousands of Arabs to pour across the border from Syria and Egypt into Palestine.
    The Jewish State's reconstitution was a fact 25 years before the UN existed. The Mandate was there to protect its survival, and it was terminated, not because the terms were completed, but because the British fled with their tails between their legs, and there was no one there to administer the Mandate. But the terms of the San Remo Treaty have not been abrogated, it is applicable today and the future, only Israel has the right to modify the terms via a treaty with the Arabs.
    Does anyone think that after the Ottoman Empire surrendered and relinquished its rights title and ownership to Palestine and other territories to the Allied powers after WWI and the Allied powers set up and established 21 Arab States and one Jewish State in Palestine. The 21 Arab State do not want to relinquish or redraw its boundaries and Israel does not want to concede any of its original boundaries set up in 1920 by international Treaties, which included the Palestine Mandate. Non of the Palestinian Mandate was allocated to the Arabs in the 1920 San Remo Treaty.
    The U.N. and the other countries must take into account and address the expulsion of over a million Jewish families and their children from the Arab countries (who lived in those Arab countries over 2500 years) and the confiscation of personal assets, homes, businesses Real estate property owned by Jewish people in the Arab countries, totaling 120,440 sq. km. or 75,000 sq. miles (5-6 times the size of Israel) valued in the trillions of dollars.
    The Jewish people resettled the million Jewish families refugees and their children from the Arab countries with limited resources. Over half the population in Israel today is Jewish families from Arab countries. It is about time the Arab countries who expelled the million Jewish families and confiscated their land and assets, must stop the delusion that Israel will go away. The Arab states should be obliged to settle the Arab-Palestinian refugees in their countries and or Jordan once and for all without compromising Israel and bring about peace and tranquility to the region.
    Neither the U.N. nor any Country in the world has the authority to create a state or dissolve a state, (check the U.N. charter and international law.)
    YJ Draiman

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    In 1970, three years after the 1967 Six-Day War, an article appearing in the most prestigious international legal periodical, The American Journal of International Law, touched directly on the question of Israel’s rights in Jerusalem.5 It became a critical reference point for Israeli ambassadors speaking at the UN in the immediate decades that followed and also found its way into their speeches. The article was written by an important, but not yet well-known, legal scholar named Stephen Schwebel. In the years that followed, Schwebel’s stature would grow immensely with his appointment as the legal advisor of the U.S. Department of State, and then finally when he became
    the President of the International Court of Justice in the Hague. In retrospect, his legal opinions mattered and were worth considering very carefully.
    Schwebel wrote his article, which was entitled “What Weight to Conquest,” in response to a statement by then Secretary of State William Rogers that Israel was only entitled to “insubstantial alterations” in the pre-1967 lines. The Nixon administration had also hardened U.S. policy on Jerusalem as reflected in its statements and voting patterns in the UN Security Council. Schwebel strongly disagreed with this approach: he wrote that the pre-war lines were not sacrosanct, for the 1967 lines were not an international border. Formally, they were only armistice lines from 1949. As he noted, the armistice agreement itself did not preclude the territorial claims of the parties beyond those lines. Significantly, he explained that when territories are captured in a war, the circumstances surrounding the outbreak of the conflict directly affect the legal rights of the two sides, upon its termination.
    Two facts from 1967 stood out that influenced his thinking:
    First, Israel had acted in the Six-Day War in the lawful exercise of its right of self-defense. Those familiar with the events that led to its outbreak recall that Egypt was the party responsible for the initiation of hostilities, through a series of steps that included the closure of the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping and the proclamation of a blockade on Eilat, an act that Foreign Minister Abba Eban would characterize as the firing of the first shot of the war. Along Israel’s eastern front, Jordan’s artillery had opened pre-pounding civilian neighborhoods in Jerusalem, despite repeated warnings issued by Israel.
    Given this background, Israel had not captured territory as a result of aggression, but rather because it had come under armed attack. In fact, the Soviet Union had tried to have Israel labeled as the aggressor in the UN Security Council on June 14, 1967, and then in the UN General Assembly on July 4, 1967. But Moscow completely failed. At the Security Council it was outvoted 11-4. Meanwhile at the General Assembly, 88 states voted against or abstained on the first vote of a proposed Soviet draft (only 32 states supported it). It was patently clear to the majority of UN members that Israel had waged a defensive war. 6
    A second element in Schwebel’s thinking was the fact Jordan’s claim to legal title over the territories it had lost to Israel in the Six-Day War was very problematic. The Jordanian invasion of the West Bank – and Jerusalem – nineteen years earlier in 1948 had been unlawful. As a result, Jordan did not gain legal rights in the years that followed, given the legal principle, that Schwebel stressed, according to which no right can be born of an unlawful act (ex injuria jus non oritur) . It should not have come as a surprise that Jordan’s claim to sovereignty over the West Bank was not recognized by anyone, except for Pakistan and Britain. Even the British would not recognize the Jordanian claim in Jerusalem itself.
    Thus, by comparing Jordan’s illegal invasion of the West Bank to Israel’s legal exercise of its right of self-defense, Schwebel concluded that “Israel has better title” in the territory of what once was the Palestine Mandate than either of the Arab states with which it had been at war. He specifically stated that Israel had better legal title to “the whole of Jerusalem.”
    Schwebel makes reference to UN Security Council Resolution 242 from November 22, 1967, which over the years would become the main source for all of Israel’s peace efforts, from the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli Treaty of Peace to the 1993 Oslo Accords. In its famous withdrawal clause, Resolution 242 did not call for a full withdrawal of Israeli forces from all the territories it captured in the Six-Day War. There was no effort to re-establish the status quo ante, which, as noted earlier, was the product of a previous act of aggression by Arab armies in 1948.
    As the U.S. ambassador to the UN in 1967, Arthur Goldberg, pointed out in 1980, Resolution 242 did not even mention Jerusalem “and this omission was deliberate.” Goldberg made the point, reflecting the policy of the Johnson administration for whom he served, that he never described Jerusalem as “occupied territory,” though this changed under President Nixon.7 What Goldberg wrote about Resolution 242 had added weight, given the fact that he previously had served as a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.
    Indeed, among the leading jurists in international law and diplomacy, Schwebel was clearly not alone. He was joined by Julius Stone, the great Australian legal scholar, who reached the same conclusions. He added that UN General Assembly Resolution 181 from 1947 (also known as the Partition Plan) did not undermine Israel’s subsequent claims in Jerusalem. True, Resolution 181 envisioned that Jerusalem and its environs would become a corpus separatum, or a separate international entity. But Resolution 181 was only a recommendation of the General Assembly. It was rejected by the Arab states forcibly, who invaded the nascent State of Israel in 1948.
    Ultimately, the UN’s corpus separatum never came into being in any case. The UN did not protect the Jewish population of Jerusalem from invading Arab armies. Given this history, it was not surprising that Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, announced on December 3, 1949, that Revolution 181’s references to Jerusalem were “null and void,” thereby anticipating Stone’s legal analysis years later. 8
    There was also Prof. Elihu Lauterpacht of Cambridge University, who for a time served as legal advisor of Australia and as a judge ad hoc of the International Court of Justice in the Hague. Lauterpacht argued that Israel’s reunification of Jerusalem in 1967 was legally valid. He explained 9 that the last state which had sovereignty over Jerusalem was the Ottoman Empire, which ruled it from 1517 to 1917.
    After the First World War, the Ottoman Empire formally renounced its sovereignty over Jerusalem as well as all its former territories south of what became modern Turkey in the Treaty of Sevres from 1920. This renunciation was confirmed by the Turkish Republic as well in the Treaty of Lausanne of 1923. According to Lauterpacht, the rights of sovereignty in Jerusalem were vested with the Principal Allied and Associated Powers, which transferred them to the League of Nations.
    But with the dissolution of the League of Nations, the British withdrawal from Mandatory Palestine, and the failure of the UN to create a corpus separatum or a special international regime for Jerusalem, as had been intended according to the 1947 Partition Plan, Lauterpacht concluded that sovereignty had been put in suspense or in abeyance. In other words, by 1948 there was what he called “a vacancy of sovereignty” in Jerusalem.
    It might be asked if the acceptance by the pre-state Jewish Agency of Resolution 181 constituted a conscious renunciation of Jewish claims to Jerusalem back in 1947. However, according to the resolution, the duration of the special international regime for Jerusalem would be “in the first instance for a period of ten years.” The resolution envisioned a referendum of the residents of the city at that point in which they would express “their wishes as to possible modifications of the regime of the city.”10 The Jewish leadership interpreted the corpus separatum as an interim arrangement that could be replaced. They believed that Jewish residents could opt for citizenship in the Jewish state in the meantime. Moreover, they hoped that the referendum would lead to the corpus seperatum being joined to the State of Israel after ten years.11
    Who then could acquire sovereign rights in Jerusalem given the “vacancy of sovereignty” that Lauterpacht described? Certainly, the UN could not assume a role, given what happened to Resolution 181. Lauterpacht’s answer was that Israel filled “the vacancy in sovereignty” in areas where the Israel Defense Forces had to operate in order to save Jerusalem’s Jewish population from destruction or ethnic cleansing. The same principle applied again in 1967, when Jordanian forces opened fire on Israeli neighborhoods and the Israel Defense Forces entered the eastern parts of Jerusalem, including its Old City, in self-defense.
    A fourth legal authority to contribute to this debate over the legal rights of Israel was Prof. Eugene Rostow, the former dean of Yale Law School and Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs in the Johnson administration. Rostow’s point of departure for analyzing the issue of Israel’s rights was the Mandate for Palestine, which specifically referred to “the historic connection of the Jewish people with Palestine” providing “the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.”
    These rights applied to Jerusalem as well, for the Mandate did not separate Jerusalem from the other territory that was to become part of the Jewish national home.
    Rostow contrasts the other League of Nations mandates with the mandate for Palestine. Whereas the mandates for Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon served as trusts for the indigenous populations, the language of the Palestine Mandate was entirely different. It supported the national rights of the Jewish people while protecting only the civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish communities in 12 British Mandatory Palestine. It should be added that the Palestine Mandate was a legal instrument in the form of a binding international treaty between the League of Nations, on the one hand, and Britain as the mandatory power, on the other.
    Rostow argued that the mandate was not terminated in 1947. He explained that Jewish legal rights to a national home in this territory, which were embedded in British Mandatory Palestine, survived the dissolution of the League of Nations and were preserved by the United Nations in Article 80 of the UN Charter.13 Clearly, after considering Rostow’s arguments, Israel was well-positioned to assert its rights in Jerusalem and fill “the vacancy of sovereignty” that Lauterpacht had described.

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    Israel's undisputed claim to Judea and Samaria etc. r1
    US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld shocked the world when he
    referred to Israel's "so-called occupation" of the West Bank and Gaza. By
    implying that he does not consider Israel's presence in these territories to be an illegal occupation, Rumsfeld defied one of the modern world's most widely accepted deceptive dogmas. Yet the very fact
    that his statement was received as little short of heretical begs an obvious
    question: How did a label with not a shred of basis in international law turn
    into such a universally accepted truth?
    The standard definition of an occupation under
    international law is found in the Fourth Geneva Convention, which applies
    explicitly to "partial or total occupation of the territory of a High
    Contracting Party" (Article 2, emphasis added). In other words,
    "occupation" for the purposes of the convention means the presence of
    one country's troops in territory that belongs to another sovereign state the
    only type of entity that can be a contracting party to the convention.
    But when territory that does not clearly belong
    to another sovereign state is captured by one of the possible legitimate
    claimants as, for instance, in Kashmir, which
    is claimed by India, Pakistan, and the Kashmiris the term generally used is "disputed," not "occupied."
    And that is precisely the situation in the West Bank aka Judea and Samaria and Gaza.
    Neither of these territories belonged to any sovereign state (historically it did belong to the Jewish people) when Israel re-captured and liberated them in 1967; they were essentially stateless territory. (Allied powers the
    assigned the borders of Israel in the 1920 San Remo treaty which was confirmed
    by the 1920 treaty of Sevres and Lausanne - The League of Nations or the U.N.
    cannot create of modify International Treaties, it can only recommend). Both had originally been part of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine and, according to the UN partition plan of 1947, they
    should have become part of a new Arab state when Britain abandoned the Mandate in 1948.
    But since the Arabs themselves rejected this
    plan, not only did that state never come into being, it never even acquired
    theoretical legitimacy: The partition plan was no more than a non-binding
    "recommendation" (the resolution's own language) adopted by the
    General Assembly. Once rejected by one of the parties involved, it essentially became a dead letter.
    Therefore, since the Arabs rejected the partition and there was no signed treaty by both
    sides agreeing to such division, the real legal title falls back to the Jewish
    people under the San Remo Treaty of 1920, which assigned the Mandate for
    Palestine including both sides of the Jordan river and all of Jerusalem and
    designating the British as a trustee for the Jewish people.
    I must also state that if you are to question the borders of
    Israel than you must question the borders of the other 21 Arab states and
    Jordan which were assigned after WWI by the same Allied powers the assigned the
    borders of Israel in the 1920 San Remo treaty which was confirmed by the 1920
    treaty of Sevres and Lausanne.
    The West Bank and Gaza were therefore not owned
    by any Arabs when they were seized by Jordan and Egypt, respectively, in 1948;
    and since their annexation by these countries was never and could never
    internationally recognized since it belonged to the Jewish people (Jordan's
    annexation of the West Bank, for instance, was accepted illegally only by
    Britain and Pakistan), they were still a territory which was assigned to the
    Jewish people under the San Remo Treaty of 1920 of which terms are valid in
    perpetuity in 1967. In 1987 Jordan relinquished its annexation of Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria which
    further confirms Israel's sovereignty over all its territory West of the Jordan
    river and no formal annexation is required.
    Moreover, Israel had a very strong claim to both
    territories. Even aside from the obvious historical claim the heart of the
    biblical kingdom of Israel was in what is now called the West
    Bank (Judea and Samaria) the terms of the original League of Nations Mandate quite clearly assigned the West
    Bank (Judea and Samaria) and Gaza to the Jewish state.
    The preamble to the Mandate explicitly stated
    that its purpose was "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the
    Jewish people." Not the Arab people, they already received 21 states.
    DOES THIS mean that all of Mandatory Palestine which included not only modern-day Israel, the West
    Bank (Judea and Samaria) and Gaza, but also the modern-day state of Jordan was supposed to be a Jewish
    state? See the San Remo Treaty of 1920 which was confirmed by the 1920 Treaty
    of Sevres and Lausanne and an additional answer (which should be contested by
    the Jewish people) can be found in Article 25, which reads: "In the
    territories lying between the Jordan [River] and the eastern boundary of
    Palestine... the Mandatory shall be entitled, with the consent of the Council
    of the League of Nations, to postpone or withhold application of such
    provisions of this mandate as they may consider inapplicable to the existing local conditions."
    No such permission, however, was given west of the Jordan. In
    other words, while the Mandate arguably gave Britain and the council together the
    right to "withhold application" of the Mandate's stated purpose east
    of the Jordan, the land west of this river which includes the West
    Bank (Judea and Samaria) and Gaza, as well as Israel was unequivocally earmarked for
    the Jewish national home. And the fact that both territories were captured in a
    defensive war from states that originally seized them from being Jewish land
    through armed aggression strengthens Israel's undisputed claim still further.
    How, then, did the myth of "occupation" i.e., the myth that these territories indisputably
    belong to someone other than Israel gain such universal credence?
    Sadly, the main culprit is Israel itself.
    When Israel captured and liberated the territories in 1967, the government did not assert its claim. Instead, it
    insisted that Israel did not want these lands and
    was merely "holding them in trust" to be "returned" to the
    Arabs in exchange for a peace treaty. And every subsequent government
    reiterated this line. But since no third party could be expected to press a
    claim that Israel refused to press for itself,
    the Arab claim, by default, became the only one on the international agenda.
    And since territories cannot be "disputed" if there is only one
    claimant, the only alternative was to view them as belonging to the sole
    remaining claimant leaving Israel as the "questionable
    occupier." Additionally in International Legal Law the land belongs
    to the Jewish people as stated in the San Remo agreement
    of 1920. It can only belong to another state if and when Israel relinquishes its ownership of
    the land in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and
    enters into a valid treaty with another State and accepted by both parties.
    Israel did, of course, lay specific claim to one section of these territories from the start: east Jerusalem. But
    legally speaking, Israel's claim to east Jerusalem is no different from its claim
    to the rest of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria). By essentially not pursuing the latter claim, Israel badly undermined the former.
    After 67 years, it may well be hard but not impossible to rectify this enormous historical error. But Israel must make the effort and demand its territories. It must explain, at every opportunity, the sound legal basis
    for its own claim to the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and Gaza. To do
    otherwise is a dereliction of duty and it puts Israel at a disadvantage when it
    begins any serious future negotiations from the irremediably weaker position of a "questionable occupier."
    Judea and Samaria is Jewish territory - No annexation is required
    Let me pose an interesting scenario. If you had a country and it was conquered by foreign
    powers over a period of time. After many years you have taken back you country
    and land in various defensive wars. Do you have to officially annex those
    territories. It was always your territory and by retaking control and
    possession of your territory it is again your original property and there is no
    need to annex it. The title to your property is valid today as it was many years before.
    Annexation only applies when you are taking over territory that was never yours
    to begin with, just like some European countries annexed territories of other countries.
    Today over half of Israel's population are Jewish families forced and expelled from Arab countries and their children and grandchildren.
    The Audacity of the Arab-Palestinians and the Arab countries in demanding territory from the Jewish
    people in Palestine after they persecuted and expelled over a million Jewish
    families and their children who have lived in Arab land for over 2,400 years
    and after they confiscated all their assets and Real estate property 5-6 times
    the size of Israel (120,440 sq. km. - 75,000 sq. mi.), valued in the trillions
    of dollars. There was also Jewish property and land (totaling about 60,000 sq.
    km.) in Jordan, Gaza and across the Golan Heights under Syria's control.
    Now the Arab nations are demanding more land and more compensation.
    The Arab countries have forcefully chased the million Jewish families and their children and now
    they want to chase them away again, from their own historical land.
    YJ Draiman
    Ref: article “Jewish legal rights to Judea and Samaria” By prominent International Law specialist Ted Belman, Legal Rights and Title of Sovereignty of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel and
    Palestine under International Law by Howard Grief, and International law expert Julius Stone, and Eugene Rostow, Professor, Judge Stephen M. Schwebel, past President of the ICJ ... and agreed that Israel's
    rights would be reserved under Article 51 of the UN.and Cambridge Professor
    Sir Elihu Lauterpacht, Judge ad hoc of the International Court of Justice. Wallace Edward Brand, JD


  1. Responding to arguments that million Jews expelled from Arab countries has no bearing on the Arabs who left Palestine or Arabs displaced from Jewish land and or formerly Ottoman government land has nothing to do with each other. The law of equity in not a one way street, it works both ways. The Arab nations that expelled the million Jewish families (who lived in the Arab countries for over 2500 years and owned 120,440 sq. km. of land, homes, businesses and personal assets valued in the trillions of dollars) are the ones supporting the Arab-Palestinians in demanding law of return and compensation. Those Arab countries are financing the Arab-Palestinians in their quest to eject the Jews a second time from their own ancestral homeland. The best and only solution is a population transfer.
    YJ Draiman

  2. Israel must be steadfast in protecting its rights and its people
    Many nations and people are questioning Israel’s control of its liberated territory.
    No one is mentioning that the Arab countries had ejected about a million Jewish people and their children from their countries, confiscated their assets, businesses, homes and Real estate. Many of the Jews ejected from Arab countries died while their forced departure from Arab countries, due to hardship, famine and starvation. 650,00 Jewish people and their children of these expelled Jewish people and their children were resettled in Greater Israel. The Land the Arab countries confiscated from the Jewish people 120,440 sq. km. or 75,000 sq. miles, which is over 5-6 times the size of Israel, and its value today is the trillions of dollars.
    The Jewish people and their children during the over 2,000 years living in Arab countries have suffered Pogroms, Libel claims, beheadings, beatings, false imprisonment and extreme hardship as a second class citizens. They had their businesses and homes pillaged, their wives and daughters raped, sold them as slaves, their houses of worship pillaged and burned, forced conversion to Islam.

    Today over half of Israel's population are Jews expelled from Arab countries and their children and grandchildren.

    The Audacity of the Arab countries in demanding territory from the Jewish people in Palestine after they ejected over a million Jewish people and their children who have lived in Arab land for over 2,000 years and after they confiscated all their assets and Real estate 5-6 times the size of Israel (120,440 sq. km. - 75,000 sq. mi.), valued in the trillions of dollars.
    Now the Arab nations are demanding more land and more compensation.
    The Arab countries have chased the million Jews and their children and now the want to chase them away again, from their own historical land.

    Israel must respond with extreme force to any violent demonstration and terror. Israel's population must have peace and tranquility without intimidation by anyone.
    The Jewish people have suffered enough in the Diaspora for the past 2,500 years. It is time for the Jewish people to live as free people in their own land without violence and terror.
    It is time to consider that the only alternative is a population transfer of the Arab-Palestinians to the territories the Arab countries confiscated from the Jewish people and settle this dispute once and for all. Many Arab leaders had suggested these solutions over the years.
    YJ Draiman

  3. Israel should send troops to arrest Abbas for inciting violence. He is not above the law.
    Any person or group who incites violence against the Jewish people must be declared an enemy of Israel and treated as such.

    If the Arabs cannot live in peace with the Jews in Greater Israel, the only solution is to evict them to Jordan or Gaza. Enough is enough. It's time for Israel to take off the gloves and take the necessary steps to protect the Jewish people in Israel. One of the fundamental obligations of the government is to protect its citizens at all costs.

    Israel must adopt a policy of zero tolerance. By pacifying the Arabs and the world nations, Israel's government is failing to take care of the Jewish people. It should not be necessary to remind the government that the Jewish people have suffered for over 2000 years at the hands of other people or nations who terrorized the Jewish people in Diaspora.

    Now the Jews in their own country must be protected at all costs. Israel has the power, means and resources to stop the ghetto mentality. Israel's government must overcome the leftist attitude and their delusional mentality, Israel must hit hard all terrorists and perpetrators of violence with a no reprieve, "damn the torpedoes" policy.
    If the current government cannot protect its people, its time to change the government. Less talk and more action and results.

    "In Israel; we have to undue and reverse the decades of nonsense that the peace industry has fermented, which led us to the position where the world thinks we the Jews are occupiers in our own ancestral land.
    If something is false and it is repeated enough times it becomes sort of common wisdom.
    We have to undo that."

    Arab-Palestinians; you have to be a country first, which you are not, before you can be a country under occupation. Furthermore, the Arab-Palestinians have a State it is called Jordan which was created illegally from Jewish territory.
    The UN cannot make a country for the Arab-Palestinians. They have no such authority under the UN Charter; Moreover, The UN cannot abrogate International law and treaties. The UN is only an advisory capacity and all UN resolutions must be accepted by all the parties in writing to be valid, The Arabs did not agree, therefore the resolutions have no meaning whatsoever.

  4. Worldwide alert: the real Muslim mission.

    Israel has no choice but to continue to fight for its survival. Thus, it is time for a Clarion Call unifying all Israelis on a national scale, as well as all Jews worldwide.
    I have long stated the real Arab Muslim mission in Israel is NOT about alleged “occupied” land. Rather, the real Arab Muslim mission is the extermination of Israel as a nation; the extermination of Judaism as a religion; and the genocide of Israelis and their culture. The reason for such an Arab Muslim mission has been repeatedly stated by their leaders: their belief they “have the right to kill all non believers”.
    Posit the following, what if there was no “Holy Land” as part of modern day Israel? Would the Arab Muslims still demand land which they have no legal right to claim? Would they still use terroristic tactics to kill innocent Israeli Jews wishing for a peaceful co-existence? The irrefutable answer, as proven by their unfounded rhetoric and actions is an emphatic YES. The reality is, the Arab Muslims use of “contested land rights” is a thinly disguised façade to hide their true mission: the genocide of Jews and extermination of Israel at any cost;
    History proves the Arab countries terrorized and expelled over a million Jewish families and their children. In so doing the Arab countries confiscated all Jewish assets, businesses, homes and real estate totaling over 120,000 sq. km. or 75,000 sq. miles, (which is 6 times the size of Israel), and valued in the trillions of dollars. The reason they were expelled, hatred and greed. Those expelled Jewish families were resettled in Israel and account for over half the population of Israel today.
    Those in power in the Arab-Palestinian leadership have rejected again and again any and all attempts to recognize Israel's right to exist. Although sometimes occupied, there has been a Jewish Nation in the land of Israel for the past 4000 years. In fact, the Jews are the ONLY surviving indigenous people to Israel. Yet, even though history proves there has never been an Arab-Palestinian Nation, the Arab Muslims falsely claim they have a right to Israel. Said false claim exposes the true mission of the Arab Muslims: extermination of Israel and the genocide of Jews.
    An examination of what Arab Muslims teach their children further exposes their true mission. They continue to teach their children to hate, enslave, terrorize and kill Jews, and all non-believers by any means possible. Ironically, the world idly sits by allowing such hatred and violence to exist and expand thinking it is only an Israeli problem (Déjà vu Hitler and Nazism).
    The Muslim mission in the world is not only Israel but the rest of the world, and all “infidel non-believers”. Though there are constant instances of terroristic acts throughout the world which support the above statement, we need not consider any other than September 11, 2001. On 9/11 Arab Muslim terrorists killed close to 3,000 innocent people, including children in America. It is time for the world to accept the fact the Arab Muslim mission of worldwide genocide of ALL non-Muslims, and even some Muslims, will continue until education and humanity replaces such hatred, or eliminates it altogether.
    History proves Arab Muslims have killed over 500 million people since its inception 1500 years ago. Moreover, the number of deaths by Arab Muslims continues to grow every day. They have colonized the Middle East over the years. Now they are slowly but surely taking over Europe. Rest assured if we are not careful to protect ourselves, they will attempt to take over the United States and all other countries. Then we the non-believers and our children will be forced to kneel before a sword wielding Arab Muslim, having committed no other crime than having a different religious belief.

  5. It is time for the world to wake up and face stark reality: wherever there are Arab Muslims there is hatred fueled conflict and terrorism in an ongoing mission of genocide.
    I hope Israel understands it cannot concede to any of the Arab Muslim demands, or give up any more land. To do so will only weaken Israel, making it more vulnerable and endangering the safety and security of its citizens. Israel must retract all previous concessions since the Arab Muslims have not abided by any of the agreements. It is time to expose the real mission of the Arab Muslims: worldwide genocide.
    YJ Draiman

    It is time to evict all Arabs in Greater Israel who create terror, violence, riot and attack Jews.
    A Jewish person and any other person in Jerusalem and the rest of Greater Israel have the right to live and walk in his own country in peace and tranquility without fear or intimidation.
    I suggest a massive demonstration by Israelis, demanding the government to restore peace without fear or intimidation at all costs or be replaced - the current situation cannot and must not continue. The government of Israel must ignore world opinion and the Media; they will criticize and defame Israel no matter what.
    Eventually the world at large respects a government that protects its people.

  6. According to International Law All Jews have the right to live in any area of the original 1920 Mandate for Palestine (75,000 square miles) and its adoption in perpetuity by the League of Nations?
    It is interesting to note that the World at large is not questioning the State of Jordan and its territory, which has taken 78% from the allocation to Jewish land. The new country of Jordan a State that has never existed in history prior to WWI. But Israel that has existed on its land for over 3500 years which included. The land Jordan occupies, they are questioning Israel’s land. They do not mention that The Arabs received over 5 million square miles of territory and that the Arabs terrorized and expelled over a million Jewish families and their children, including the confiscated of all their assets, homes, businesses and Real estate 120,440 sq, km. or 75,000 sq. miles (6 times the size of Israel, valued in the trillions of dollars) and that about 690,000 Jewish families from Arab countries were re-settled in Israel’s LIBERATED TERRITORY.
    Arabs are the occupiers; they have 21 Arab States that were granted to them (5 million square miles) after WWI by the same powers that granted the State of Israel (75,000 square miles).
    There is no other term for Jewish villages and towns in Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem than Liberated Jewish Territories since times immemorial.
    To negate any claim of Arab ownership of the land, Read and study the Ottoman Empire land title. It states that approximately 92% of the land was owned by the government, some of it was leased to the Arab population as sharecroppers, not owners.
    The balance 8% was owned by Arab land barons who sold the land at premium prices to the Jews.
    Here is the incredible testimony of The Mufti of Jerusalem on January 12, 1937 when he documents in testimony for the British Peel Commission that the Jews did not steal land from the Arab Palestinians but by the year of 1920, the time of the “British Occupation” as trustee for the Jews, meaning the British Palestine Mandate, the Jewish people had already purchased 1,500,000 dunams of land in the Land of Israel which is 375,000 acres of desolate and swamp land.
    The Mufti also testified that the land was not bought by “forcibly acquired-compulsory acquisition of land”. That kind of ruling behavior was the action of the Ottoman rulers and not the Jews. Also the Mufti admitted that any evictions done were by absentee landlords who chose to sell “land over the heads of their tenants, who then were forcibly evicted”, and that the majority of these tenants were not Palestinians but Lebanese. Any land title granted by the British to the Arabs was and is illegal and therefore it is null and void.
    It is a common practice by the Muslims to obfuscate, distort, outright fabrication and misrepresent facts to their benefit, it is even permitted under their religion, in order to accomplish their goals.
    It is tine for a separation between the Jews and the Arabs who terrorize and commit violence.
    Israel has been extremely generous in its concessions and appeasement to the Arabs since 1948. It only added to more terror and violence and the deaths of thousands of Jews, who have suffered enough in the Diaspora for thousands of years.
    YJ Draiman

  7. The Law of Return is for The Jews, the option to return to Greater Israel and The Arab-Palestinians to leave Greater Israel and return to the Arab countries they originated from. The Arab-Palestinians should move to the Million plus Jewish homes confiscated by the Arab countries from the expelled Jewish people and the 120,440 sq. km. of Real property the Arabs confiscated from the million plus Jewish families and their children expelled from Arab countries. That is the only viable alternative.
    Face it and stop hallucinating, once and for all. There will never be an Arab-Palestinian State in Greater Israel West of the Jordan River (Judea and Samaria). Jerusalem is the United Eternal Capital of the Jewish people.
    YJ Draiman

  8. "Why do Arab-Palestinian focus violence and terrorist attacks on the City of Peace – Jerusalem?”
    Because Arab-Palestinians, despite their rhetoric, fully understand Jerusalem’s symbolic and spiritual significance to the Jews."

    The only thing the Arabs understand is that the Jews are not willing to sacrifice Jerusalem. In 1967, after liberating the temple mount, the Israeli Government for the sake of coexistence, promptly relinquished control of Temple mount to the Waqf. This relinquishment of the liberated Temple Mount was further emphasized when the Government signed a Peace treaty with Jordan in 1989. The Israeli government has unofficially frozen building in Jerusalem. After pledging to build E-1, the government retreated from that pledge, since it was not authorized by a national vote. Acts of violence from Arabs go unpunished. Jews do not enjoy the right to pray on the temple mount. This relaxed attitude toward Arab violations only increases the Arab violations and violence.

    It is only when the Israeli Government shows that it truly understands Jerusalem’s symbolic and spiritual significance that the violence and terroristic attacks will abate. If the Arabs were to understand that their violence will lead to the building of E-1....

    The Arabs have shown that THEY fully understand Jerusalem's significance to the Jewish people. They are willing to fight because they sense the weakness of the Jews. It is a long overdue time that situation was changed drastically.
    It is time for the Israeli government to marshal its forces and enforce strict control of Jerusalem. Respond to ant Arab violence with extreme prejudice and zero tolerance. Anything less, they are endangering the safety and security of the people in Jerusalem and Greater Israel.

  9. TWO Palestinian states already exist! A Palestinian Arab state named "The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan", and a Palestinian Hebrew state named Israel which is 80% less than allocated under international law and treaties.
    There is no such thing as "The Palestinian nation", as there is no such thing as "The Scandinavian nation", there is no such thing as "The Balkan nation", there is no such thing as "The Mesopotamian nation", and so on. Palestine, Mesopotamia, Scandinavia, The Balkans, etc. are geographic regions and not countries.
    Palestinians are all the people of different ethnic groups: Palestinian Hebrews, Palestinian Arabs, Bedouins, Druze and whatever else there is, living in the geographic region named Palestine in one of the Palestinian states: Israel, The Palestinian Hebrew state, or Jordan, the Palestinian Arab state. It is similar to the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, to the inhabitants of Scandinavia, of the Balkans, and so on. As said before, all these are regional regions and not countries.
    If tomorrow the ethnic Laponians, for example, will declare themselves as "The Scandinavian nation" and will claim ownership on all Scandinavia and the annihilation of all the states and nations in this region, this racist claim will be considered a stupid racist joke. The racist claim of some ethnic Palestinian Arab inhabitants in the geographical region called Palestine to invent themselves as "The Palestinian nation" and to claim by this invention ownership on all Palestine and the annihilation of an existing state and nation, is equally a stupid racist joke.
    This racist claim aiming the annihilation of the Palestinian Hebrew state and the extermination of its 8.6 million Palestinian Hebrew nation is the, so called, "Palestinian cause". So, no wonder that the European anti-Semites, the neo-Nazis, the radical left, the Jihadists, the "Jew" haters (to say nothing of the "useful idiots" who serve the above) support this cause.
    After WWI the Arab countries received over 5 million square miles of territories, while the Jewish people were allocated 75,000 square miles and the British illegally took away 80% to set up a new Arab state east of the Jordan River and prohibited Jews from owning land and residing there, and the also confiscated all Jewish assets, homes and land east of the Jordan River. The Germans in WWII exterminated over 6 million Jews, the Nazis and the European countries confiscated all Jewish assets valued in today market over 30 trillion dollars. The pattern stayed the same.
    The Arab nations have terrorized and expelled over a million Jewish families and confiscated all their assets including over 70,000 square miles of Land which is 6 times the size of Israel and values in the trillions of dollars.

  10. No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel -
    David Ben Gurion
    (David Ben-Gurion was the first Prime Minister of Israel and widely hailed as the State's main founder).
    “No Jew is entitled to give up the right of establishing [i.e. settling] the Jewish Nation in all of the Land of Israel. No Jewish body has such power. Not even all the Jews alive today [i.e. the entire Jewish People] have the power to cede any part of the country or homeland whatsoever. This is a right vouchsafed or reserved for the Jewish Nation throughout all generations. This right cannot be lost or expropriated under any condition or circumstance. Even if at some particular time, there are those who declare that they are relinquishing this right, they have no power nor competence to deprive coming generations of this right. The Jewish nation is neither bound nor governed by such a waiver or renunciation. Our right to the whole of this country is valid, in force and endures forever. And until the Final Redemption has come, we will not budge from this historic right.”
    at the Basle Session of the 20th Zionist Congress at Zurich (1937)

    "No country in the world exists today by virtue of its 'right'.
    All countries exist today by virtue of their ability to defend themselves against those who seek their destruction."
    “Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope”
    “The Jews are a peculiar people: Things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews.

    Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people, and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it. Poland and Czechoslovakia did it. Turkey threw out a million Greeks and Algeria a million Frenchmen. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese--and no one says a word about refugees.

  11. No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel -
    David Ben Gurion
    (David Ben-Gurion was the first Prime Minister of Israel and widely hailed as the State's main founder).
    “No Jew is entitled to give up the right of establishing [i.e. settling] the Jewish Nation in all of the Land of Israel. No Jewish body has such power. Not even all the Jews alive today [i.e. the entire Jewish People] have the power to cede any part of the country or homeland whatsoever. This is a right vouchsafed or reserved for the Jewish Nation throughout all generations. This right cannot be lost or expropriated under any condition or circumstance. Even if at some particular time, there are those who declare that they are relinquishing this right, they have no power nor competence to deprive coming generations of this right. The Jewish nation is neither bound nor governed by such a waiver or renunciation. Our right to the whole of this country is valid, in force and endures forever. And until the Final Redemption has come, we will not budge from this historic right.”
    at the Basle Session of the 20th Zionist Congress at Zurich (1937)

    "No country in the world exists today by virtue of its 'right'.
    All countries exist today by virtue of their ability to defend themselves against those who seek their destruction."
    “Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope”
    “The Jews are a peculiar people: Things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews.

    Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people, and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it. Poland and Czechoslovakia did it. Turkey threw out a million Greeks and Algeria a million Frenchmen. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese--and no one says a word about refugees.

    But in the case of Israel, the displaced Arabs have become eternal refugees. Everyone insists that Israel must take back every single Arab. How about the million Jewish refugees from Arab countries (who lived there for over 2500 years) who lost over 120,000 sq. km. of land and assets valued in the trillions of dollars. Other nations when victorious on the battlefield dictate peace terms. But when Israel is victorious it must sue for peace and sacrifice its security by conceding land for peace which makes the situation worse.

    Everyone expects the Jews to be the only real most honorable in this world.”

  12. Palestine aka Greater Israel is Jewish territory according to International law and treaties, additionally incorporating the January 3, 1919 Faisal Weitzman agreement executed by both parties in London on January 3, 1919.
    The Law of Return is for The Jews and reciprocating equity by the Arabs
    The Law of Return is for The Jews, the option to return to Greater Israel and The Arab-Palestinians to leave Greater Israel and return to the Arab countries they originated from. The Arab-Palestinians should move to the Million plus Jewish homes and land confiscated by the Arab countries from the million persecuted and expelled Jewish families and the 120,440 sq. km. of Real estate property the Arabs confiscated from the million plus Jewish families and their children expelled from Arab countries. That is the only viable alternative. (Why are we ignoring the Faisal Weitzman agreement of January 3, 1919 which is the only valid agreement executed by both the Arabs and the Jews). In reviewing various legal aspects of agreements and resolutions to be applied to third parties, all resolutions by the UN which are recommendation only, must be executed and agreed to by the parties otherwise they have no validity. Therefore, any and all resolutions issued by the UN which have not been executed and agreed to by the parties have no affect and are null and void. This applies to any of the League of Nation and the UN resolutions that affect the territories and boundaries of Israel and any other resolutions that affect Israel. That leaves us back to the territory allocated by the San Remo Conference of 1920 and its confirmation by the Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne, which is all of Palestine. (By the way I have the minutes of the 1918-19 Paris Conference, The 1920 San Remo Conference and The Treaty of Sevres which was executed by all the Supreme Allied Powers).
    Face it and stop hallucinating, once and for all. There will never be an Arab-Palestinian State in Greater Israel West of the Jordan River (Judea and Samaria). Jerusalem is the United Eternal Capital of the Jewish people.
    Responding to arguments that million Jews expelled from Arab countries has no bearing on the Arabs who left Palestine or Arabs displaced from Jewish land and or formerly Ottoman government land has nothing to do with each other. The law of equity in not a one way street, it works both ways. The Arab nations that expelled the million Jewish families (who lived in the Arab countries for over 2500 years and owned 120,440 sq. km. of land, homes, businesses and personal assets valued in the trillions of dollars) they are the ones who asked the Arabs in Palestine to vacate their homes while they obliterate the Jews and they are the ones supporting the Arab-Palestinians in demanding law of return and compensation. Those Arab countries are financing the Arab-Palestinians in their quest to eject the Jews a second time from their own historical ancestral homeland. The best and only solution is a population transfer.
    YJ Draiman

  13. YJ Draiman
    Over one million Jews and their families have been terrorized, persecuted and forced to flee from Arab countries and hundreds of Jewish communities have been ethnically cleansed throughout this century. Most of these refugees now live in Israel and their old homes are no more. The Arab countries confiscated all the Jewish personal assets, businesses, homes and over 120,400 sq. km. of Real estate property which is 6 times the size of Israel and valued in the trillions of dollars. In fact, Jews who immigrated to Israel from Arab and Muslim lands and their descendants constitute over 50% of Israel’s population.

  14. We should be nice with the strangers because we were strangers in Egypt.
    But weakness in face of our aggressors is cruel for their victims.
    So we should adhere to the terms of the San Remo convention and claim our rights.
    But rights without force are worthless.
    So the terms of the San Remo agreement must be claimed
    1) Israeli law should be by constitution the law of mandatory Palestine boundary including Jordan, Golan and Gaza unless BILATERAL agreement says otherwise.
    2) The Israeli law has to be defended more vigorously by means of reclaiming Jewish property in the Muslim world if necessary by force as with the Nazis and wiedergutmachung which was only possible after complete capitulation of Nazi Germany.
    3) Life threatening and severe disloyalty to Israel will result in loss of Israeli citizenship and expulsion.
    For this we need allies. Our best allies are the victims of Islam, the population of Muslim countries which should be invited by all means to reconsider their loyalty to Mohamed and believe only in the kindness of G-d.

  15. If the Arabs cannot live in peace with the Jews in Greater Israel, the only solution is to evict them to Jordan or Gaza. Enough is enough. It's time for Israel to take off the gloves and take the necessary steps to protect the Jewish people in Israel. One of the fundamental obligations of the government is to protect its citizens at all costs.
    Israel must adopt a policy of zero tolerance. By pacifying the Arabs and the world nations, Israel's government is failing to take care of the Jewish people. It should not be necessary to remind the government that the Jewish people have suffered for over 2000 years at the hands of other people or nations who terrorized the Jewish people in Diaspora.
    Now the Jews in their own country must be protected at all costs. Israel has the power, means and resources to stop the ghetto mentality. Israel's government must overcome the leftist attitude and their delusional mentality, Israel must hit hard all terrorists and perpetrators of violence with a no reprieve, "damn the torpedoes" policy.
    If the current government cannot protect its people, its time to change the government. Less talk and more action and results.

    Anyone who promotes terror and violence is as guilty as the perpetrators and must be punished and not ignored.

    Israel should send troops to arrest Abbas for inciting violence. He is not above the law.
    Any person or group who incites violence against the Jewish people must be declared an enemy of Israel and treated as such.
    YJ Draiman

  16. This Arab terror and violence throughout Israel is an opportunity for the Israeli government and its security forces, to crack down harshly on all those who commit terror and violence and those who incite to terror and violence.
    Israel needs to clean house once and for all. The world nations are silent while Jews are being killed, nothing has changed throughout history. It is up to Israel to take decisive action with zero tolerance, nobody else will do it for them.
    The world is watching to see if Israel has what it takes to quash this terror and violence. Please do not fail.
    Go and get them, quash them so they cannot get up.
    YJ Draiman

  17. Freedom - is when you stand up for yourself and fight for it, and not capitulate and stand idly by.
    YJ Draiman

  18. “I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore”

    How many Jewish lives have to be lost before the Israeli government takes a decisive action, no holds barred and zero tolerance? Death to the terrorists and no restraint to terror and violence. A terrorist is a terrorist; the age of the terrorist does not mitigate an act of terrorism, or the consequences thereof. Israel must execute mandatory eviction and demolition of homes, confiscation of property to compensate for the damage and barring Arabs in those areas. Let the Arabs know that if this terror and violence continues, the price will be high and non-negotiable. Stop talking; let’s see some serious action on the ground. This situation is spiraling out of control and the government and its security forces are deliberating and hesitating to take forceful and uncompromising actions. The Israeli government must consider first and foremost the safety and security of its people and not the biased world nations, who throughout history stood idle while Jews were killed, tortured, terrorized and persecuted. Israeli people are trained soldiers; they know how to defend themselves. If the government is not able to stop this wave of terror, it is the Job of the Israelis to defend themselves. This is not Nazi Germany; this is Israel, our own historical land with our own government and a strong defense force, use it and stop the ghetto mentality. Death to the terrorists, nothing less will suffice. May the lord support you in defending yourselves, but G-d helps those who help themselves. Israel must take a strong initiative once and for all.
    YJ Draiman

    Israel should give a 90 day notice the UN and the world at large that it intends to exercise its historical and international rights under the international law and treaties post WWI which are still in effect and have not been superseded. Under those treaties all of Palestine is in effect belongs to Israel. Israel will no longer tolerate the deceptive term of occupation by Israel; it is internationally guaranteed Jewish land liberated by Israel. It is the Arabs who are the occupiers.
    YJ Draiman

  19. According to International law and treaties of post WWI, which allocated over 5 million square miles of territory to the Arabs and the 75,000 square miles of Palestine to the Jewish people, Jordan and Gaza is part of Israel, since they were part of Palestine. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the president of Egypt stated that he would give land in the Sinai with ocean front for the Arab Palestinians. Whether Jordan likes it or not over 70% of its population is Arabs who call themselves Palestinians.
    (The UN has violated the law and the Charter of the UN by allocating Jewish territory under international law and treaties to Jordan. The UN Partition of Israel was also a violation of the UN Charter. Israel accepted, but the Arabs rejected the partition, that makes the UN partition recommendation of 1947 mute and meaningless.
    Israel was reconstituted in 1920 by International law and treaties, including the 1919 Faisal Weizmann Agreement. Israel took over sovereign control on May 14, 1947 after the British abandoned their obligation and the Jewish people became a majority in the land).
    People must remember that the Arab countries have terrorized, persecuted and expelled over a million Jewish families and confiscated all their assets, including over 120,000 square km. of land valued in the trillions of dollars, and most of those expelled Jewish families were resettled in Greater Israel. The Arabs expelled the million Jewish families from their Arab countries (after living there for over 2400 years, a thousand years before Islam was created), the million expelled Jewish families from Arab countries were resettled in Israel and now they want to expel them again from their own historical ancestral land.
    Let the Arabs from Israel relocate to the Jewish homes and land confiscated by the Arab countries.

    YJ Draiman

  20. Sovereignty with no safety and security is hollow

    The State of Israel must always keep in mind its own sovereign obligations and be careful not to risk its capacity to perform the vital task of defending itself, its people, and its interests. Israel even under the most adverse conditions, it shall not capitulate to world pressure whereby its citizen’s safety and security is compromised.

    Israel has faced over 21,980 terror attacks since September 2000, when a wave of terror started against Israeli citizen’s right after Arafat was offered an independent Palestinian state.

    To date Israel's concessions and appeasement to the Arabs has decreased the safety and security of Israel's population. It is time to change direction and not worry about world opinion. Do not wait for the world at large to condemn these terrorist attacks, they did not care in the past when Jewish blood was spilled and they do not care now. The security and safety of the people of Israel must be first and foremost above any other consideration. That is the duty and obligation of a responsible government. Deliberating at time of National crisis without a previous set plan borders on dereliction of duty, based on Israel's experience with terror, they should know better. Meanwhile, Israelis are being killed and injured on a daily basis throughout Israel, the people in Israel feel unsafe and the economy is suffering. Get your act together, act immediately and forcefully with no compromise, now the only way to restore order, it has to be Israel's way or the highway. Any delay in implementation will increase terror and violence and escalate the death and injury of Jewish lives in Israel. Israel must face the bold facts. The Arabs do not want peace, they never did, they only want the destruction of Israel, Israel must act accordingly with no illusion and fantasy or false promises that the Arabs are partners for peace, it is perfectly clear that they are not.
    The Arabs educate and train their children to commit terror and violence, celebrate and glorify suicide bombers, Need I say anymore. Stop bickering among yourselves, unify, and face the enemy with vigor and determination and do not stop until the enemy is totally vanquished and peace and tranquility returns to Israel.
    YJ Draiman

  21. The Oslo accord is null and void! - A scathing indictment of the world nations at large!!‏ r11

    The Arab-Palestinians Charter explicitly states that they want the State of Israel for themselves and the Jewish people destroyed.

    The Arab-Palestinians actions to date have proven that they do not want peace. Why the liberal left and many of the world nations is are fantasizing and deluding themselves that the Arabs want peace.
    People of the world wake up and realize what their ultimate mission is, eliminate the unbelievers. The Arabs promote and indoctrinate the children to commit terror and violence.

    The Arabs never intended to abide by the Accord, or any other agreements with Israel for that matter. It was only a means to take control of territory and eventually take over all of Israel and expel and kill the Jews again, and they do not hide their intentions.

    No Democratic country in the world would tolerate the terror violence and mayhem being committed in Israel by the Arabs. Any country that does not take extreme actions to stop this terror and violence is shirking its responsibility and obligation to its citizens and should be replaced.

    Just like Abbas statement this week. It is time for formally announcing that the Oslo Accord is null and void and institute a population exchange. Moving the Arabs to Jordan and or the 120,000 sq. km. the Arab countries confiscated from the terrorized and expelled million Jewish families. Thus, take back complete control of Judea and Samaria and everything west of the Jordan River as decreed by post WWI international law and treaties, including the January 1919 Faisal Weitzman Agreement.

    If the world at large does not wake up now they will be next. It already has started, take off the blinders, open you eyes and look around. The current refugee problem from Syria and others are flooding Europe and changing the nature and face of Europe and others.
    They are taking over Europe without a battle.
    No entity in the world will force a solution on Israel.
    They forced or were complicit to the Final solution in WWII with the Holocaust and the extermination of over 6 million Jewish people, men women and children.

    Where were the world’s nation’s outcry, threats and objection when millions of Jewish people were being exterminated, men women and children? They were silent.
    The Arab world received over 5 million square miles of territory after WWI and they begrudge the 75,000 sq. miles Israel was suppose to get and took 78% of it for Jordan and now they want more, until there is no Israel at all.

    Where was the world nations when the Arab countries persecuted, terrorized and expelled over a million Jewish families and their children from their countries many who lived there for over 2,400 years, the Arabs confiscated their assets, business, homes and land 6 times the size of Israel (120,440 sq. km. or 75,000 sq. miles), valued in the trillions of dollars? Most of the expelled Jewish families settled in Israel and now comprise over half the population.
    Where are the world nations today? Why do they ignore when thousands are slaughtered by Muslims throughout the world. The Muslims have killed over a half a billion people since the Muslim religion was initiated.

    Israel, since its independence in 1948 and continuing thru today. Is being threatened with annihilation and when Israel defends itself from destruction, terror, suicide bombers, thousands of missiles, violence, etc, by the Arabs, every country has something to say, threaten Israel and meddle in its internal business.

    This is the time when nations of the world must mind their own business and stay out of Israel’s internal affairs. Only then there will be a possibility of peace.


    YJ Draiman

  22. The Oslo accord is null and void! - A scathing indictment of the world nations at large!!‏ r11

    The Arab-Palestinians Charter explicitly states that they want the State of Israel for themselves and the Jewish people destroyed.

    The Arab-Palestinians actions to date have proven that they do not want peace. Why the liberal left and many of the world nations is are fantasizing and deluding themselves that the Arabs want peace.
    People of the world wake up and realize what their ultimate mission is, eliminate the unbelievers. The Arabs promote and indoctrinate the children to commit terror and violence.

    The Arabs never intended to abide by the Accord, or any other agreements with Israel for that matter. It was only a means to take control of territory and eventually take over all of Israel and expel and kill the Jews again, and they do not hide their intentions.

    No Democratic country in the world would tolerate the terror violence and mayhem being committed in Israel by the Arabs. Any country that does not take extreme actions to stop this terror and violence is shirking its responsibility and obligation to its citizens and should be replaced.

    Just like Abbas statement this week. It is time for formally announcing that the Oslo Accord is null and void and institute a population exchange. Moving the Arabs to Jordan and or the 120,000 sq. km. the Arab countries confiscated from the terrorized and expelled million Jewish families. Thus, take back complete control of Judea and Samaria and everything west of the Jordan River as decreed by post WWI international law and treaties, including the January 1919 Faisal Weitzman Agreement.

    If the world at large does not wake up now they will be next. It already has started, take off the blinders, open you eyes and look around. The current refugee problem from Syria and others are flooding Europe and changing the nature and face of Europe and others.
    They are taking over Europe without a battle.
    No entity in the world will force a solution on Israel.
    They forced or were complicit to the Final solution in WWII with the Holocaust and the extermination of over 6 million Jewish people, men women and children.

    Where were the world’s nation’s outcry, threats and objection when millions of Jewish people were being exterminated, men women and children? They were silent.
    The Arab world received over 5 million square miles of territory after WWI and they begrudge the 75,000 sq. miles Israel was suppose to get and took 78% of it for Jordan and now they want more, until there is no Israel at all.

    Where was the world nations when the Arab countries persecuted, terrorized and expelled over a million Jewish families and their children from their countries many who lived there for over 2,400 years, the Arabs confiscated their assets, business, homes and land 6 times the size of Israel (120,440 sq. km. or 75,000 sq. miles), valued in the trillions of dollars? Most of the expelled Jewish families settled in Israel and now comprise over half the population.
    Where are the world nations today? Why do they ignore when thousands are slaughtered by Muslims throughout the world. The Muslims have killed over a half a billion people since the Muslim religion was initiated.

    Israel, since its independence in 1948 and continuing thru today. Is being threatened with annihilation and when Israel defends itself from destruction, terror, suicide bombers, thousands of missiles, violence, etc, by the Arabs, every country has something to say, threaten Israel and meddle in its internal business.

    This is the time when nations of the world must mind their own business and stay out of Israel’s internal affairs. Only then there will be a possibility of peace.


    YJ Draiman

  23. This Arab terror and violence throughout Israel is an opportunity for the Israeli government and its security forces, to crack down harshly on all those who commit terror and violence and those who incite to terror and violence.
    Israel needs to clean house once and for all. The world nations are silent while Jews are being killed, nothing has changed throughout history. It is up to Israel to take decisive action with zero tolerance, nobody else will do it for them.
    The world is watching to see if Israel has what it takes to quash this terror and violence. Please do not fail.
    Go and get them, quash them so they cannot get up.
    YJ Draiman

  24. This Arab terror and violence throughout Israel is an opportunity for the Israeli government and its security forces, to crack down harshly on all those who commit terror and violence and those who incite to terror and violence.
    Israel needs to clean house once and for all. The world nations are silent while Jews are being killed, nothing has changed throughout history. It is up to Israel to take decisive action with zero tolerance, nobody else will do it for them.
    The world is watching to see if Israel has what it takes to quash this terror and violence. Please do not fail.
    Go and get them, quash them so they cannot get up.
    YJ Draiman

  25. Sovereignty with no safety and security is hollow

    The State of Israel must always keep in mind its own sovereign obligations and be careful not to risk its capacity to perform the vital task of defending itself, its people, and its interests. Israel even under the most adverse conditions, it shall not capitulate to world pressure whereby its citizen’s safety and security is compromised.

    Israel has faced over 21,980 terror attacks since September 2000, when a wave of terror started against Israeli citizen’s right after Arafat was offered an independent Palestinian state.

    To date Israel's concessions and appeasement to the Arabs has decreased the safety and security of Israel's population. It is time to change direction and not worry about world opinion. Do not wait for the world at large to condemn these terrorist attacks, they did not care in the past when Jewish blood was spilled and they do not care now. The security and safety of the people of Israel must be first and foremost above any other consideration. That is the duty and obligation of a responsible government. Deliberating at time of National crisis without a previous set plan borders on dereliction of duty, based on Israel's experience with terror, they should know better. Meanwhile, Israelis are being killed and injured on a daily basis throughout Israel, the people in Israel feel unsafe and the economy is suffering. Get your act together, act immediately and forcefully with no compromise, now the only way to restore order, it has to be Israel's way or the highway. Any delay in implementation will increase terror and violence and escalate the death and injury of Jewish lives in Israel. Israel must face the bold facts. The Arabs do not want peace, they never did, they only want the destruction of Israel, Israel must act accordingly with no illusion and fantasy or false promises that the Arabs are partners for peace, it is perfectly clear that they are not.
    The Arabs educate and train their children to commit terror and violence, celebrate and glorify suicide bombers, Need I say anymore. Stop bickering among yourselves, unify, and face the enemy with vigor and determination and do not stop until the enemy is totally vanquished and peace and tranquility returns to Israel.
    YJ Draiman
